
The Challenge of Saying Yes to Yourself......And why even coaches need coaches

What my 40 day yoga practice is teaching me about saying yes to myself, commitment and why support is so important.....

I just finished day 6 of my 40 day yoga practice to promote self-love and help let go of fear. Tonight I had the most beautiful relaxing experience and I feel great.

Last night on the other hand was a completely different story….

I was in a funk, missing my boys and had a giant headache. I really didn’t want to do it but I had made the commitment to do it together with my coach so I sat down to do it. The whole time I was doing it thinking to myself......


I felt hot, cranky, my arms hurt and I really didn’t enjoy the practice at all. But I did it.

After finishing the practice, instead of running from my discomfort or getting crabby at someone (not possible when I’m alone in my hotel) or eating it away (which may have been my tendency in the past), I decided to sit with my discomfort, identify where I felt it in my body and connect to it to see what I could discover.

As I sat with the discomfort I was able to get clear about and move through a couple of things holding me back from creating success by doing what I love without compromising what I love for money.

AND what it really highlighted to me was how important both commitment and support are to my growth and healing and to creating the success I want.

I’ve always struggled to maintain a daily practice, often giving up when times got tough like last night but this time I had the support and accountability of my coach in place. That support and accountability, along with the commitment I made to myself enabled me to sit with the discomfort and do it anyway. It allowed me to hear the voice telling me it’s not worth it (AKA you’re really not worth it) and do it anyway. Something about being able to be present to all of that allowed me to uncover a deeper level of truth about some of the beliefs I needed to let go of in order to move to the next level of success in my business.

I have always maintained the firm belief that we all need support which is why I have my own coach. Last night really showed me the power of that again. What we all need the most is to commit to saying yes to ourselves in the biggest and brightest ways, but it’s often the thing we find the hardest. I’m finding more and more that the accountability and support that my coach offers is they very thing I need to help me to remember to say yes to myself each day.

So how can you start saying yes to yourself more? Perhaps you want to join me in this simple 40 day practice and see what happens for you? If you’d like to join me just send me an email and I can check in with you along the way for support.

Or maybe you’re ready to take the next step and see how a coach might be able to help you? If that’s the case I would love to make a time to set up a complimentary discovery session where we can look at what you’re experiencing in your life right now, explore what you would like to be experiencing more of and see if we are a good fit to work together to get you there. Email or call me to set up a time.