If you are a business owner or entrepreneur who is committed to creating greatness in the world chances are you’ve experienced that anxious and overwhelmed feeling that comes from always trying to be more, create more and do more.
You love what you do but sometimes it feels like there’s just never enough hours in the day for all of the administration and responsibility that comes with running your own business. Add relationships and family to the mix and some days you wonder just how you’re going to stay on top of it all. If only there were more hours in the day, or you could just get more sleep, or you could afford to hire an assistant!
Relating to any of this?
Well first let me tell you that you’re not alone. As a busy working mother of 3 kids with my own business, I know how hard it can be to balance everything. More than once I've felt that guilty feeling that in the pit of my stomach when my three year old takes me by the hand and says come and play with my mamma, but all I can think about is that report that I need to finish for my client? But I know I'm not alone either.
I know this because when I talk to business owners about some of the common challenges they face almost all of them talk about things like:
- feeling anxiety and overwhelm due to the day to day stresses of owning a business
- feeling anxiety and guilt from trying to manage work and family responsibilities
- lack of sleep and never being able to switch off
- feeling frustrated and exhausted with nothing left to give to the relationships that are important to them such as their spouses and kids
This anxiety is what is preventing many business owners from succeeding in their business with ease and from taking their business to the next level. But even so sometimes they don't even realize it until we talk. Some think that better systems and processes might do the trick, but my anxiety.... well let's just not go there...
I mean let’s face it no successful business owner really wants to admit they have anxiety or feel overwhelmed, let alone talk about it. For most of us we like to pretend we have it all together at all times. Anxiety is one of those emotions that we label as bad, because it makes us feel yucky and weak. We don’t want to feel it so we try to push it away, or burry it. We keep busy trying to do more, in order not to feel our anxiety. Sometimes we even beat ourselves up for feeling anxiety. Like we should know better or just be stronger and then end up with anxiety about our anxiety.
But what if I told you that understanding and making friends with your anxiety was actually just the thing you needed to do in order to stop trying to constantly do more and be more.
What if you could start listening to your anxiety and use it as a tool to build your business with more ease?
Sounds crazy but it’s not. As a business owner and mother who was once drowning in my own anxiety and overwhelm I can tell you with conviction that since I learned to listen to and to embrace my anxiety, I’ve experienced more ease and success both in and out of my business. I realized that it had a lot to teach me about who I am and what I really want in my life.
Facing my anxiety helped me to get more aligned with the real me. In fact I’ve now come to realize that my anxiety presents itself at times when I really need to listen to myself more and trust myself more so I can get where I am supposed to be going and let go of the things that are holding me back.
That's not to say that I don't still have my ups and downs, but now I chose to use my anxiety as a tool to my advantage instead of letting it overwhelm me. When anxiety comes up, I realize that somewhere I'm not in alignment and I take steps to figure out where and make changes. The impact on my whole life has been amazing. My business is more aligned with what I'm passionate about so it's much easier to prioritize and say not to things. I have much more peace and ease at home because I have more time with my kids and no longer feel guilty all the time.
I now use the tools and tricks that I've learned to take my clients through this same journey and the transformations I’ve witnessed for them, in and out of their businesses are remarkable.
I know that it might seem daunting to think about owning your anxiety and using it as a tool to grow your business but taking that first step is really the only hard part. The results are more than worth it. Imagine what your days would look like if you could:
- be free from anxiety and overwhelm and easily and effectively deal with the day to day stresses of owning your business
- manage your work and family responsibilities with more ease and peace
- get more sleep, feel less stressed?
- feel more confident in your role as the leader of your business?
- communicate effectively with employees and family members and build effective and connected relationships in all areas of your life
And most of all succeed in your business with ease and feel fulfilled in all aspects of your life!
If you can related to any of this and want to know more about how you too can break free from anxiety and overwhelm fast so you can lead and grow your business with confidence and feel truly fulfilled in all aspects of your life please contact me to schedule your complimentary business breakthrough session.